Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Week One EOC: VW Lemon

How could “Hitler’s favorite car” become popular in America only fifteen years after world war II? How could such an ugly car be popular anyway? Advertising.

The Volkswagen Beetle was creating a buzz everywhere after their unique advertisements in the 1960s. After creating the unique VW beetle, an inspector noticed a flaw in the metal strip along the glove compartment. The blemish needed to be fixed. Volkswagen put out an ad admitting to their mistake but reassuring that it was being fixed. “Honesty: it’s a great angle.”

The advertisement was simple. All it was, was a picture of the VW beetle and the “Lemon.” written underneath. It was simple and minimalistic, but its meaning was not. People everywhere were talking about the and, and to this day it is the best advertisement many have ever seen. “You couldn't help but love a company willing to kid itself in public”

The VW Lemon ad was successful for many reasons. Number one, its simplicity, also for its unique style, and especially for its honesty. The straight forward ad earned the trust of consumers everywhere. How could you not trust a company that was willing to tell the truth about its product. “We pluck the lemons; you get the plums.” And Volkswagen did just that.

“From engaging in public service to choosing goods and services, advertising calls people to action.” Advertising by Design

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